
Friday, 18 September 2020

Installing LXQt under a Debian derivative distributions

LXQt is a very functional and light environment which offers a lot of potential for configuration. 

The installation is very quick when using the LXQt meta-package provided by Debian.

In these videos I will show you how to install LXQt. First from a bare bones devian installation and the second from an installation that already includes a graphical environment.

 Installing LXQt on a bare bones Debian Buster installation

The first one shows how to install it on top of a bare bones Debian installation.

This path is perfect if you are a minimalist, or want the system for a specific purpose, as you will be able to install just the applications you want.


 1. Install what we want

sudo apt-get install lxqt
And that's it! The package contains all the dependencies to have a fully functional LXQt desktop. It comes with the Xfwm window manager which already comes with a composition engine.

Replacing Cinnamon With LXQt on Linux Mint 20

The second video shows how to install it on top of a Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon but it is similar for other distribution and desktop environments

This path is perfect if you are happy with a distribution but want or need a lighter desktop environment.

In this case, on top of installing LXQt, I've installed OpenBox as the window manager and Compton as the compositor.


1. Install what we want

sudo apt-get install lxqt openbox obconf-qt compton compton-conf

2. Remove what we don't want sudo apt-get purge cinnamon* metacity* libxfce* libxfconf* xfconf* xfwm4*

sudo apt-get purge cinnamon* metacity* libxfce* libxfconf* xfconf* xfwm4*

3. Optionally remove the applications with duplicated functionality

  • rythmbox / audacious
  • SMPPlayer / mpv media player / celuloid
  • xed / featherpad
  • xreader / qpdf
  • viewgnote / feathernotes
  • lximage-qt / screengrab
  • lximage-qt / pixq
  • ps / gnome-system-monitor

For example:

sudo apt-get remove --purge audacious mpv xreader gnote screengrab pix gnome-system-monitor

And that's it!

Don't forget to read my post and watch the video on How to configure LXQt

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